Office: Heidelberg University, Institute of Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology
E-Mail: wink(at)
Date and place of birth: 10.04.51, #Esch-Bad Münstereifel, Germany
Education and positions:
1971-1977: Studies of #Biology, #Chemistry & Statistics, University of #Bonn, Germany
1980: Dr. rer. nat. in #Pharmaceutical Biology, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
1980 – 1985: Postdoc (Hochschulassistent C1), Technische Universität Braunschweig, with short-term stays in London, Chiba
1984 Habilitation (Dr. rer. nat. habil.) Technische Universität Braunschweig
1985-1986 Heisenberg-Stipendiat at #Max-Planck-Institut für Züchtungsforschung, Köln (Prof. J. Schell, Prof. L. Willmitzer)
1986- 1988 Heisenberg-Stipendiat of DFG and group leader at „Gene Centre“ LMU München (Prof. E. Winnacker, Prof. M. Zenk)
1986-1988 Privatdozent #LMU München (Dr.rer nat., Dr rer.nat. habil.)
1988-1989 Professor for Pharmaceutical Biology (C3), Universität #Mainz
1989 -present Full Professor for Pharmaceutical Biology (C4), Universität #Heidelberg);
1989-2019 Director at the Institute of Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology (IPMB), Division Biology
2001-2004 Founding and managing director of IPMB
1990-2001 various terms of office as Dean and Vice-dean of the Fakultät für Pharmazie
1995-1997 Student Dean of Pharmacy
1999-2005 Founding and Student Dean of Molecular Biotechnology (BSc, MSc)
2012-2018 Student Dean of Molecular Biotechnology (BSc, MSc)
1995 Visiting professor at the University of #Cordoba (Argentina)
1999 Visiting professor at the University of #Nanjing (China)
2004-now Visiting-Professor #Northeast Forestry University, Harbin (China)
2008-now Visiting Professor #Prince of Songkla University HatYai (Thailand)
2014-now Visiting Professor, #CEPROBI, Yautepec, Mexico
1.10.2019 Senior Professor, Universität Heidelberg
Awards and fellowships
Graduate and Postgrad fellowship of Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (1972-1980)
Heisenberg-Fellowship of #DFG (1985-1988)
Award „Rheinlandtaler“; Kulturpreis des Landschaftsverbands Rheinland (for cultural achievements) (1989)
Paul Harris fellow (#Rotary International) (2008, 2014; 2022); RC Schwetzingen-Walldorf
Ordre Universelle des Chevaliers du Cep (Montpellier)
Special achievement award, World Owl Hall of Fame (2012)
Marsilius-fellow at the #Marsilius Kolleg for Advanced Studies (2012-13)
Professional activities, scientific services, committees etc.:
Investment board Leonardo VC (Mannheim), (2000 -2011; 2008 -2011; chairman)
Scientific Advisory Board Institut für Vogelforschung, Wilhelmshaven (2005 -2014; 2010 -2014: Chairman)
Kuratorium Galileo Consult (2005 -2019)
Kuratorium DKFZ, Heidelberg (2006 -2014)
DAAD: Selection committee Latin America (2010- 2020)
DATZ Stiftung Frankfurt: Vorstandsmitglied (2015-2023)
Scientific Advisory Board SGN; Senckenberg – Leibniz Institution for Biodiversity and Earth System Research (2007 – 2024; chairman 2014-2018)
Scientific Advisory Board IBSAR (Initiative of Biodiversity of Arid Regions), Beirut (Lebanon) (2005 - present)
Steinbeis-Transferzentrum Biopharmazie & Analytik, Heidelberg: (Chairman 1998 -present)
International Lupin Association (ILA): Vice President (since 2019)
Stiftung Integrative Medizin (Beirat seit 2020)
Phytodoc (consultant)
Editorial activities
Heidelberger Jahrbücher (Editor since 2007)
Journal of Ornithology (Section Editor since 2006)
Biotechnology Journal (Senior Editor since 2008)
Diversity (Editor-in-Chief since 2009)
Open Ornithology Journal (Regional Editor 2007-2020)
PeerJ (Academic Editor since 2012; Section Editor 2018-2023)
Peerj Open Advances in Zoology: Co-Editor in Chief (since 2024)
Biographic Sketches:
Wink, M.: Weit über den Tellerrand hinaus. Brücken Bauen. Das Marsilius- Kolleg und seine Fellows 2008-2014
Michael Wink in: Universität Heidelberg. Menschen, Lebenswege, Forschung, 237-243 (2013)
Michael Wink in Wikipedia:
Prof. Dr. Michael #Wink